Tuesday night was the first Try it Tuesday of 2014 and boy was there a GREAT turn out! The unofficial count was 16 who came to try scuba diving out and 18 certified divers who came refresh their diving skills.
As a reminder, a lot of people who have been invited out ask about pool conditions, don’t worry, the pool is a lovely 86 degrees. It’s very nice, especially this winter while we are all cooped up indoors.
Everything is provided for you so all you have to do is show up in your swimming suit and be prepared to have a blast. You’ll get a brief instruction on how to air up/release air from your bc (Buoyancy Control Device), how to become neutrally buoyant, how to give the okay sign and from there you’re turned loose in the pool.
There are dive instructors, divemasters, and certified divers in the pool at all times while you’re in there so if you get into a bind, they’re right there to assist. Plus the pool at its deepest point is 6 feet so if nothing else, stand up.
If you missed the January Try it Tuesday and think you might still be interested, don’t worry, the second Tuesday of February is the next chance to give it a try. Be warned though, you’ll have a blast!!