I wear my mask at night, too. In staying with our recent musical blog posts themes. I love night diving. Especially here in Cozumel. Whether it diving from the shore at Hotel Cozumel & Resort, from the dock at Cozumel Marine World, or from the boat at Paradise reef. I really enjoy night diving. You may ask, why jump into the ocean and go diving when it’s dark? First of all, we start the dive when it’s still light. This makes for a much easier transition from daylight to dark. Instead of just jumping off a boat into the darkness.
The real reason for a night dive is the critters. You are going to see different creatures and a lot of the daytime…
Sorry about that, I fell asleep on the back of the dive boat headed back to the hotel. It’s a rough life on vacation when the blogger asks you to write a blog post.
Now, where did I leave off? Oh yes.
All the different critters you’ll see during a night dive and you’ll get a better look at a lot of the day time critters too.
For example Saturday night, February 15, we had the Cozumel Marine World boat Manati take us out to Paradise reef for a night dive. We saw several lobsters and crabs out walking around. Something you seldom see during the day. We were treated to one of Cozumel’s splendid toadfish out swimming around. For me, a night dive isn’t complete without seeing an octopus. We saw two on this dive.