We’ve mentioned a couple times in passing that we had a fun new weekly post ready for 2017 and since we’re now in the first week of 2017 it’s time to reveal what we have up our sleeve. Too bad it wasn’t something with sleeves this round, I could say, no pun intended, but instead I’ll get to the point. Our new weekly post will introduce you to SCUBAPRO products, since we do happen to be a SCUBAPRO Platinum Dealer and all.
Each week we will feature an item. I’ll tell you right now, we have 6 months’ worth of items already selected just for you. That means 4 products a month to help you learn more about the SCUBAPRO equipment that we dive with.
There will be big items, small items, packaged items, and more. Basically everything you’ll need from head to toe to dive in SCUBAPRO gear. The end goal is to help take away some of the mystery of particular items. 1) What the product is. 2) Why you should care about that item. And 3) Take away some of the mystery from the necessary pieces of equipment.
Here’s the real kicker… From Wednesday to the following Tuesday contact the store for the most up-to-date price on the weekly featured item.
Cheers to the New Year!