As I was setting up this blog post, I just read my title from last weeks post. Anyone catch my typo? (hint: Extreme 36 instead of Extreme 366 if you didn’t catch it, it’s already been fixed) Exciting times, exciting times. I blame Dan La Due for not catching my mistake… he tends to catch my other ones. Proofreader, you’re falling down on the job… or did you read last weeks? Questions, questions. So what exciting things have you been up to this week? It was potentially a short work week for you, unless you didn’t get Monday off, then it probably wasn’t. Monday was Labor Day incase you didn’t know. I did a little research to know the meaning of Labor Day. It was a holiday created to celebrate the hard working workforce. It’s also thought of as the last weekend of summer even though Fall doesn’t officially start until September 22nd. And by the weather yesterday, summer is still full force in Southwest Missouri, although a friend of mine in Washington state said the high yesterday was 65 and she had her fireplace lit. (By the way, I started that sentence with And just for Kim Brungard, Love you . Darn, I don’t have the kissy emoticon option so you get the tongue stuck out instead. Oh and the story there, I guess last week I started a sentence that way and she gave me fits about that. This might become a reoccurring thing, I guess everyone should keep reading to find out!) This has been an exciting week, starting off with picking on poor Doug Lord on Monday evening. It had to do with text messages from a number he didn’t know (my mother in law’s), then it ended with me going to call him to prank call him off the number and eventually fess up who he’d been talking to, only to find out that I called my father in law instead. Whoops. I guess prank calling isn’t my thing. I only did that once in high school. I called a friend’s house (she was sitting with me, I was trying to get her siblings) and I asked if their refrigerator was running. When they said yes, I told them they better catch it. And on that note, I’ll start another sentence with and and say chow for now.
244 – 8.31.2016 – Pool classes. Deb had one set of students and Dan had the two boys at the far end of the pool. Yup, another round of young divers, that’s what we like!
245 – 9.1.2016 – September Dive Club. We had good food and fun! If you weren’t there, where were you? We missed you!!
246 – 9.2.2016 – It’s Dive Training Magazine day! It’s Dive Training Magazine Day! IT’S DIVE TRAINING MAGAZINE DAY!
247 – 9.3.2016 – Open water check out dives at Beaver Lake.
248 – 9.4.2016 – Congratulations to our new SCUBA divers, Logan Montgomery, Matt Ezell, Ashley Thompson, Clarrisia Hallacy, Damien Hallacy, Lance Mathie, Terry Spradling, Chris Dickens, Jason Bornhop, & Emily Rexwinkle.
249 – 9.5.2016 – It’s Labor Day. Happy Labor Day. This day is considered the last full day/weekend of Summer. Fall is just around the corner.
250 – 9.6.2016 – So, are you in to the Pokemon thing that has pretty much swept the nation? If so, I hear there’s one in front of the shop. Come find it! (and no I don’t play, I’ve just been told so come tell me if it’s true if you play!!)