You saw it all over Facebook, you heard about it in person, there were news stories done (KSN & KOAM), blog posts written, and promoting gone wild, but now it has come and gone and we’re going to recap…. The Newton County Christmas for Kids 4th Annual Chili Cookoff and Silent Auction + this year’s newest addition of the Non-Chili Category.
A lot of planning went in to this years events, a lot of great items were donated, time was donated, and we couldn’t be more grateful for all those who helped!
The Chili and Non-Chili items needed to be in place by 4:30.
People slowly started filtering in. We had 7 Chili entries and 8 Non-Chili Entries this year.
Judges were volunteers from the organizations who are involved in the Newton County Christmas for Kids. Judges judged the chili portion of the contest plus there was a people’s choice portion. Entries into the gate were $5 which also got you 5 tickets to be distributed between the Chili and Non-Chili entries. The non-chili portion of the contest was people’s choice only.
Judges were separated off from the rest of the people while the judging took place. They judged based on taste, flavor, looks, smells, and all that counts. Then they were released back to the general population to mingle.
Poor Pete. I include this picture because we have almost an identical picture from 2013 (the first cookoff) of him in this same position.
Once the chili portion was judged, it was time to eat. The goal of the people’s choice is to be completely anonymous so that people judge based on tastes and preferences. Obviously in the Chili portion there were different types of chili. In the Non-Chili category we had Potato soup, Chicken and Noodles, Tortilla Soup, BBQ Spaghetti, Cream French Onion Soup, and so much more. As long as it could be cooked in a crockpot or heavy bottom soup pot, it was fair game.
The Band No Apparent Reason set up and played the entire evening for our entertainment.
KOAM came out and did a news story on our event.
Boomer Baugh brought out his Johnny Train for the kids (and the kid in the adults!) and we had a bounce house for the kids. There was great entertainment to keep everyone fed and entertained while you were watching your items in the Silent Auction and bidding on them too!
But it was finally time for one of the reasons that we all came to this event… The announcement of Winners of the Chili and Non-Chili Contests.
In third place was Janet Judd, accepted on behalf by her mother Jill Franks.
In 2nd place, Lee Lake.
1st Place, Jody Payton
People’s Chili Choice – Donna Ashford. And a cute side note, People’s choice winners won a new crockpot (1st, 2nd, 3rd, won cash prizes)… So I guess Donna’s crockpot died that night. This worked out perfectly, she got a new crockpot.
People’s Non-Chili Choice award went to Rachele Lord.
But… We want to extend a special thank you to everyone who donated, came to this event, participated, and bought items, because the real winners of this event are the less fortunate children in Newton County. Without everyone’s help, Christmas for these children wouldn’t be nearly as nice. And with that said… This year’s total surpassed the 3 previous years (YEY!) and we were able to raise …. drum roll please……… $3,529 to be used to provide a Christmas for the children of Newton County!
Thank you!
If you would like to read about 2013, 2014, or 2015‘s events, click on the years and it will take you to those recaps.
Again, Thank you! You helped make a brighter Christmas for those in need!
Thank you to our Donators: 2 Broke Girls Crafts, Ann Hasty, Barb McMurry, Carolyn Johannes, Chris Parrish, Chuck Miller, Collene Dinsmore, Danielle La Due (Jamberry Nails Independent Consultant), Dan Hayworth, Dan La Due, David Hayes, Deb Allison, Deb Weston, Donna Ashford, Doug Lord, Extreme Sports, GTS Auto, Harriett Miller, Horseshoe Bros, Jill Franks, Jody Payton (Payton’s Creations), Julia Johannes, Karen Weston, Katie O’dell, Kim Brungard, Kristen Quarles, Lauren Copple, Margaret Maynard, Mark Willoughby, Marlin Willoughby, Megan Shafer, Nelda Patrick, Nicole Kelleher, Nicole Willoughby, Rachele Lord, Shirley Mann, Southern Uniform, Swartz Tractor, Tracy House, The Painted Pallet, Tiffany Bond, Tiffany Hayworth, Traveling Vinyard, Valerie Box,